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5 Things to Do if You Encounter a Goose

So, what do you do when you come in contact with an aggressive goose?

Many of us have either interacted with a goose or at least seen one walking around a park, parking lot, grass area, etc. Some may see this as just a regular occurrence while coming to and from work. An although these geese may seem comfortable roaming heavily human-populated areas, they are usually more on edge because they’ve both started to claim said area (parking lot, fountain, local park, etc.) and may feel threatened by the presence of humans. Especially if nesting.

Humans and animals interact on a daily basis. That is something that won’t change, and we don’t want it to! We should; however, be armed with the knowledge on how to treat animals, in this case geese, so that when we do interact with them we know exactly what to do so that neither party gets harmed.

Without further ado, here are 5 tips if you ever have an encounter with an aggressive goose:

#1 Face the goose and maintain eye contact

This is not one of those fight or flight scenarios. DO NOT go off screaming and running when you come in contact with an aggressive goose. Stop in your tracks, and look at the goose straight in the eye – just like you would your future father-in-law.

#2 Take it slow

Once you’ve made sufficient eye contact with the goose, as slow as possible without making a lot of noise or any sudden or large movements, back away. Continue to face the goose, and instead of walking straight back, side step. When we back away directly from the goose it encourages them to follow you, side stepping allows you to move away while not disturbing the goose.

#3 Keep calm and carry on

Remember to stay calm! And don’t forget step #1. Continue to face the goose, looking him or her in the eye and slowing side stepping backward. Geese (much like humans, and other mammals) can sense fear. When fear is present it causes the goose to feel the need to defend him or herself. You want to make sure the goose feels calm and no sense of harm from you. Remember, in the gooses eyes you’ve invaded their home.

#4 It’s not fight or flight

We’ve mentioned this before, but it’s very important. DO NOT turn your back to the goose and run away. This tells the goose that there is danger and they need to defend themselves. Remember: all eyes on the goose!

#5 If the goose attacks

It’s possible that even after taking precaution and utilizing the four previous techniques that the goose will still feel threatened. You have “trespassed” their goose habitat. If the goose flies up toward your face, duck and move at a 90-degree angle, still facing the goose. As you continue to move away from the nesting area, the attack should cease.


Geese control and human interaction

The geese habitat is quickly evolving and adapting to the human habitat making geese control as necessary as mowing grass and clearing snow. The geese population on martha’s vineyard continues to increase exponentially as every new goose clutch contains 5 – 7 eggs. A pond with just 4 nesting pairs will be 32 birds in late May. Add to that unmated offspring from the last 2 years still traveling with the nesting pairs and you can have as many as 44 birds, all from 4 nesting pairs!


Hire a Geese Control Team

There is no single quick fix that will resolve human-goose conflicts at every site. But, well-designed integrated programs can resolve conflicts and that’s why Geese Partners is the experts on Martha’s Vineyard.

This is where we come in! We are the eco-friendly expert geese control on Martha’s Vineyard. Contact us today to learn more!

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